
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Attempting to pull and image from a Wyse thin client fails with: “Copy image to USB failed Press Enter key to reboot now.”


You have the current thin client model:

Brand: Wyse
Model No: Zx0
Part No: 909682-01L

You would like to pull the image after staging the thin client so you proceed to download the Wyse USB Firmware Tool from the following site:


image Imaging Tool)


You run the Wyse USB Firmware Tool.exe to prepare the USB flash drive:


… but quickly notice that you receive the following error at the Prepare the USB drive window:

USB drive size less than 1GB, please insert higher capacity drive


You close the application and re-launch it by choosing Run as administrator:


The wizard successfully passes the step you received the error:



With the successfully prepared USB stick, you proceed to pull the image but notice that the process completes at 100% but quickly displays the following error:

Copy image to USB failed

Press Enter key to reboot now.



This issue managed to get me stumped for an hour as I continued to try 4 different version of the tool without any luck until I decided to try selecting:

Windows Embedded Standard 7

… instead of:

Windows Embedded Standard 7 P


Once I selected the correct operating system, the pull operation completed successfully.  I was unable to find any material online so I hope this blog post will serve a quick answer to anyone who made the same mistake as I did.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Citrix XenApp 7.5 Site Setup fails when creating a new database

Ran into an interesting issue the other day that was easy to fix but noticed that the error message could be misleading so I thought it would be a good idea to write a blog post in case other encounter this.


You’re setting up a new Site in XenApp / XenDesktop Studio and would like the wizard to create a new database so you proceed with filling in the database server location and database name as such:


You then hit the Test connection button:


You receive the prompt:

No database was found on the database server.

To create a database automatically, click OK.

Or, if you would prefer to use the database schema to create a database, click Cancel.


You proceed to hit OK to allow the wizard to create a new database:


… but notice that you are prompted with the following message:

The current credentials have insufficient privileges to access the database server and perform the necessary operations. Do you wish to enter alternative credentials?


You are sure that you’ve logged onto the server to run this wizard with an account that has permissions but go ahead and type in the credentials again:


After typing the credentials and hitting the OK button, you are prompted with the same message:

The current credentials have insufficient privileges to access the database server and perform the necessary operations. Do you wish to enter alternative credentials?



What I noticed after a bit of troubleshooting was that the firewall on the SQL server was turned on and as soon as I disabled the firewall, the wizard proceeded:


It’s definitely a bit strange that the message would indicate an issue with the account when it’s related to the firewall but I hope this post would serve up a quick answer to those who encounter this.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Emails to distribution groups do not get delivered while migrating from Exchange 2007 to 2013

I ran into a rather tough issue that got me stumped for a few hours and thought it’s worth blogging.  The problem is that all of a the distribution groups in an environment I’m migrating from Exchange 2007 to 2013 does not get delivered and eventually generates the following bounce back NDR:

Diagnostic information for administrators:
Generating server: exchange2013.contoso.local
Receiving server: exchange2007.contoso.local (
Remote Server at exchange2007.contoso.local ( returned '400 4.4.7 Message delayed'
9/10/2014 2:54:59 PM - Remote Server at exchange2007.contoso.local ( returned '441 4.4.1 Error encountered while communicating with primary target IP address: "Failed to connect. Winsock error code: 10061, Win32 error code: 10061." Attempted failover to alternate host, but that did not succeed. Either there are no alternate hosts, or delivery failed to all alternate hosts. The last endpoint attempted was'
Original message headers:
Received: from exchange2013-2.contoso.local ( by exchange2013.contoso.local
( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id 15.0.847.32; Wed, 10 Sep
2014 08:00:54 -0300
Received: from exchange2013-2.contoso.local ([fe80::e183:a641:f02:ceb1]) by
exchange2013-2.contoso.local ([fe80::e183:a641:f02:ceb1%16]) with mapi id
15.00.0847.030; Wed, 10 Sep 2014 08:00:54 -0300
Content-Type: application/ms-tnef; name="winmail.dat"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
From: Kate Ross <>
To: secondary <>
Subject: Wed. Cover/Calendar
Thread-Topic: Wed. Cover/Calendar
Thread-Index: Ac/M5l84/Y7M2h8hSKKr2Unpc4VGhA==
Importance: high
X-Priority: 1
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 08:00:53 -0300
Message-ID: <b1b6f4f8ddd847579cafe082b03e3e85@exchange2013-2.contoso.local>
Accept-Language: en-US
Content-Language: en-US
X-MS-Has-Attach: yes
X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: <b1b6f4f8ddd847579cafe082b03e3e85@exchange2013-2.contoso.local>
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Originating-IP: []

The troubleshooting steps I’ve performed are:

Upgrading from Exchange 2007 to 2013

Upgrade the distribution groups from Exchange 2007 to 2013 by first listing the groups’ versions with the cmdlet:

Get-DistributionGroup | fl *version

Then executing:

Get-DistributionGroup | Set-DistributionGroup

Once the above cmdlet is executed, the…

Get-DistributionGroup | fl *version

… cmdlet should now display the version as:

ExchangeVersion : 0.10 (

Upgrading Distribution Groups to Universal

Upgrading the distribution groups did not appear to correct the issue so after a bit more troubleshooting, I discovered that all of the groups were still of Global type rather than Universal so I went ahead and upgraded them with:

Get-DistributionGroup | where { $_.Grouptype -Like "Global*" } | Set-Group -Universal

Note that if any of the distribution groups have members or are members of Global groups then the associated groups will also need to be upgraded to Universal.

Removing the homeMTA Attribute

After trying the troubleshooting steps above and still encountering the same messages stuck in the queue with the message:

Next Hop Domain: Exchange2007server.domain.local

Delivery Type: SMTP Relay to specified Exchange servers

Status: Retry


With the message details:

Identity: Exchange2013\12736\2598455214130

Subject: Testing123 - No need to reply

Internet Message ID: <ae09691dea2a4c2eb147da76d594518e@BHS-EXMBX-01.domain.local>

From Address:

Status: Ready

Size (KB): 7

Message Source Name: SMTP:Default Exchange2013

Source IP:

SCL: -1

Date Received: 9/12/2014 10:14:43 PM

Expiration Time: 9/14/2014 10:14:43 PM

Last Error:

Queue ID: Exchange2013\12736

Recipients:;2;1;[{LRT=};{LED=};{FQDN=};{IP=}];0;CN=Exchange2007,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Domain,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=local;0


I then started combing through the difference between a newly created distribution group I created with the Exchange 2013 ECP and an existing distribution group that wasn’t working. Using the cmdlet:

Get-DistributionGroup "<distribution group name>" | fl

… did not not show any differences side by side so I went ahead and opened adsiedit comparing the attributes which was when I noticed that the new distribution group created with Exchange 2013 did not have a


… while an old distribution group did:


As soon as I cleared the attribute from the problematic distribution group, the messages were delivered.

Import-Module ServerManager

Add-WindowsFeature -Name "RSAT-AD-PowerShell" -IncludeAllSubFeature

Unfortunately, you would need to restart the server before you can import the Active Directory cmdlets with the following import command (I noticed that sometimes I wouldn’t need to run it yet the AD cmdlets would work):

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

Once you have access to the AD cmdlets, you can use the following cmdlet to clear the homeMTA attribute:

Set-ADGroup ‘<distributionGroupName>’ -Clear homeMTA

I originally thought that I could pipe the results from Get-DistributionGroup into Set-ADGroup but that doesn’t work so the way I worked around this was use:

Get-DistributionGroup | FL name > C:\DistroNames.txt

… to get the names of all of the distribution groups in the format:

Name: Distro1

Name: Distro2

… into a text file then opened it in notepad and used a search and replace to format it properly with the Set-ADGroup cmdlet to execute.  Not exactly the most elegant solution but it works.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Unable to connect Android mobile phone to Exchange Server 2013 via ActiveSync


You’ve completed a new Exchange Server 2013 migration and began testing mobile devices such as Android and iPhone but noticed that while you are able to go through the setup, no mail is synchronized to the smart phone.  Not events are logged in the Application or System logs of the Exchange mailbox and CAS servers. Using the Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer at fails with the following error:

Attempting the FolderSync command on the Exchange ActiveSync session.
  The test of the FolderSync command failed.
   Tell me more about this issue and how to resolve it

  Additional Details

Exchange ActiveSync returned an HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error).

HTTP Response Headers:
request-id: c257a25d-2589-4c25-8190-491bacfaadb3
X-TargetBEServer: ********.*******.*****


While there could be other reasons why this error would be thrown, one of the reasons is because the user account you’re trying to set up ActiveSync with does not have inheritance enabled as shown in the following screenshot:


Simply enabling inheritance and the phone should begin synchronizing email.