As with one of my previous posts:
Notes on Citrix XenApp 6.5 PowerShell cmdlets
… I’ve been trying to keep track of the cmdlets I’ve been using to make my life a bit easier while configuring XenApp and XenDesktop farms and since I have cmdlets scattered around in different notes, I thought it would be a good idea to consolidate them into a blog post that I can reference to again in the future.
Listing XenDesktop Information
List all desktop catalogs and their information:
List all desktop catalogs and their information and pipe to file:
Get-BrokerDesktopGroup > C:\XenDesktopCatalogs.txt
List a specific desktop catalog based on Name variable:
Get-BrokerDesktopGroup -Name “Windows 7”
List only the name of applications based on Name with a wild card:
Get-BrokerDesktopGroup -Name Windows*7* | format-list name
… and if you want to use other variables, you can review the attributes available via the
… which outputs information similar to the following:
List only the name and PeakBufferSizePercent of applications based on Name with a wild card:
Get-BrokerDesktopGroup -Name Windows*7* | format-list name,PeakBufferSizePercent
Get-BrokerDesktop -DesktopGroupName "Windows 7 64-bit Internal Static" | format-list MachineName,ImageOutOfDate
Modify XenDesktop Desktop Catalogs and Desktop Groups
Set the PeakBufferSizePercent value of a desktop catalog named “Windows 7 64-bit External Random to 100%:
Set-BrokerDesktopGroup "Windows 7 64-bit External Random" -PeakBufferSizePercent 100
Set the PeakBufferSizePercent value of all desktop catalogs to 90 percent:
Get-BrokerDesktopGroup | Set-BrokerDesktopGroup -PeakBufferSizePercent 90
Get-BrokerDesktopGroup -Name Windows*7* | Set-BrokerDesktopGroup -PeakBufferSizePercent 80
I’ll append to this post as I find more in my notes.
Hi, is there a way to configure single XenDesktops or groups by Powershell, like increasing CPU, memory or disk space?
ReplyDeleteThat would be nice to know. Thanks!