
Monday, February 7, 2022

Using an Azure Service Principal to authenticate with Connect-AzAccount for automation scripts

I’ve been working with a lot of automation in Azure lately and wanted to capture as many configuration activities I have gone through to share through my blog, and today’s post is to demonstrate how to set up a service principal with a secret that can be used when using Connect-AzAccount (, which can be used for automation activities.

The full script that I created can be found at my following Github repo:

Below is the breakdown of the script and its process.

Begin by authenticating into Azure with:


Proceed to set the variables (name and password) for creating the App Registration and Enterprise Application that will be named "TestApp"

$spName = "TestApp"

$spPassword = "ChM7Q~fbYA934Q.nFxihDrSfBov3vqhh4g5OG"

$passwordLifeInYears = 3

Use the $spPassword variable containing the password we defined to create an object that is used to create a secret with an expiry date in the TestApp App Registration. For the purpose of this example, the secret will be valid for today’s date + 3 years.

$credentials = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ActiveDirectory.PSADPasswordCredential `

-Property @{StartDate=Get-Date; EndDate=Get-Date -Year (Get-Date).AddYears($passwordLifeInYears).year; Password=$spPassword};

$spConfig = @{

DisplayName = $spName

PasswordCredential = $credentials


Use the cmdlet below to create the App Registration with a client secret configured and Enterprise Application (Service Principal) named TestApp:

$servicePrincipal = New-AzAdServicePrincipal @spConfig

With the cmdlet above executed, you should now be able to see the following TestApp App Registration:


Note the Application ID as you’ll see the Enterprise Application reference it shortly:


Navigate to the Certificates & secrets area, then select Client secrets, and you’ll see a secret created for it. This secret contains the password we defined earlier but is not retrievable from this portal:


Navigate to the Enterprise Applications and you should see the TestApp created:


Note the same Application ID as the TestApp App Registration in the screenshot above confirming this Enterprise Application (Service Principal) is derived from it:


With the TestApp service principal created, we can now use it to authenticate with Connect-AzAccount but note that we’ll need the following:

  1. The tenant ID we’re connecting to
  2. The configured secret for the TestApp App Registration
  3. The Service Principal Application ID, which can be found from the App Registration or Enterprise Application properties

Begin by defining the variables required to connect:

$tenantId = "84f4470b-3xxx-4xx9-xx95-abxxxxx3024f"

$spPassword = "ChM7Q~fbYA934Q.nFxihDrSfBov3vqhh4g5OG"

$servicePrincipalAppID = "b27b779c-02ab-4911-aab9-4a4f43a4be45" # This is the Application ID of the Enterprise App

Convert the Service Principal secret to secure string:

$password = ConvertTo-SecureString $spPassword -AsPlainText -Force

Create a new credentials object containing the application ID and password that will be used to authenticate:

$psCredentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($servicePrincipalAppID, $password)

Authenticate with the credentials object:

Connect-AzAccount -ServicePrincipal -Credential $psCredentials -Tenant $tenantId


Hope this helps anyone looking for instructions on how to do this as the instructions I found from Microsoft documentation did not work for me so changes had to be made to a few cmdlets.

Below is the full script pasted into this blog post:

<# Begin by creating the service principal and client secret #>

# Connect-AzAccount -

# Sign in with a service principal -

# Connect to Azure with an authenticated account for use with cmdlets from the Az PowerShell modules


# Set the variables (name and password) for creating the App Registration and Enterprise Application that will be named "TestApp"

$spName = "TestApp"

$spPassword = "ChM7Q~fbYA934Q.nFxihDrSfBov3vqhh4g5OG"

$passwordLifeInYears = 3

# Use the $spPassword variable containing the password to create an object that is used to create a secret in the TestApp App Registration

# The object will also specify when the date of this secret will expire and that is today's Month and Date in 3 years

$credentials = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ActiveDirectory.PSADPasswordCredential `

-Property @{StartDate=Get-Date; EndDate=Get-Date -Year (Get-Date).AddYears($passwordLifeInYears).year; Password=$spPassword};

$spConfig = @{

DisplayName = $spName

PasswordCredential = $credentials


# Create the App Registration with a client secret configured and Enterprise Application (Service Principal) named test app

$servicePrincipal = New-AzAdServicePrincipal @spConfig


<# Try connecting with the newly created Service Principal (Enterprise Application) named TestApp with a secret configured #>

# Define the variables required to connect

$tenantId = "84f4470b-3xxx-4xx9-xx95-abxxxxx3024f"

$spPassword = "ChM7Q~fbYA934Q.nFxihDrSfBov3vqhh4g5OG"

$servicePrincipalAppID = "b27b779c-02ab-4911-aab9-4a4f43a4be45" # This is the Application ID of the Enterprise App

# Convert the Service Principal secret to secure string

$password = ConvertTo-SecureString $spPassword -AsPlainText -Force

# Create a new credentials object containing the application ID and password that will be used to authenticate

$psCredentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($servicePrincipalAppID, $password)

# Authenticate with the credentials object

Connect-AzAccount -ServicePrincipal -Credential $psCredentials -Tenant $tenantId

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