
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Enable Security Authentication for NVIDIA License Server Manager

Those who have worked with the NVIDIA License Server Manager that is deployed to provide virtual desktops with GPU licenses will quickly notice that the default install does not provide any security for the management console as navigating to the URL: http://localhost:8080/licserver/ will bring you straight into the console without authentication. Given that I’ve been asked many times in the past about securing this portal, this post serves to demonstrate the process.

Enabling the requirement for logging in as shown in the screenshot below cannot be done via the GUI:


To enable the authentication requirement, we’ll need to use the nvidialsadmin.bat via the command line. The nvidialsadmin.bat can be found in the directory C:\NVIDIA\LicenseServer\enterprise on the licensing server:


Enable Security for the NVIDIA License Server Manager

1. Begin by launching a command prompt as an administrator and navigating to the directory: C:\NVIDIA\LicenseServer\enterprise

2. Execute the following command to set the security flag as true:

nvidialsadmin.bat -server -config -set security.enabled=true


3. Next, execute the following command with the default password for the admin account (Admin@123) and set the new password (Update the New-Password1 value to the password desired):

nvidialsadmin.bat -server -authorize admin Admin@123 -users -edit admin New-Password1


4. Proceed to restart the Apache Tomcat 9.0 Tomcat9 service in the services console on the license server:


5. Wait for the license server to be fully started then try to navigate to the console at http://localhost:8080/licserver/ to verify that credentials are required:


Disable Security for the NVIDIA License Server Manager

1. To disable the security login requirement execute the following command with the configured password to authorize the session:

nvidialsadmin -server -authorize admin New-Password1


2. Then set the security flag to false:

nvidialsadmin.bat -server -authorize admin New-Password -config -set security.enabled=false


3. Proceed to restart the Apache Tomcat 9.0 Tomcat9 service in the services console on the license server:


4. Wait for the license server to be fully started then try to navigate to the console at http://localhost:8080/licserver/ to verify that credentials are no longer required.

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