
Sunday, April 18, 2021

PowerShell script to remove users in an Active Directory group from all Microsoft Teams' Teams in an organization

I was recently asked by a colleague about whether it was possible to use PowerShell to remove a group of users in an Active Directory group from all Microsoft Teams’ Teams in an organization. A bit of Googling did not yield any results so I quickly wrote one that performs the following:

  1. Uses Get-ADGroupMember to export a list of users’ User Principal Name from an Active Directory group to a txt file
  2. Uses the exported list of UPNs to get the list of Teams each user belongs to
  3. Write the list of Teams the user belongs to into a txt file with their UPN as the file name
  4. Remove the user from every Team they belong to

The following is the PowerShell script.

Obtain list of users in an AD Group (you can run this on a domain controller and copy the file to where you will connect to O365)

Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Board Members" | %{Get-ADUser $_.SamAccountName | foreach { $_.userPrincipalName }} > C:\Scripts\UPNofADGroup.txt

**The example above retrieves users from a AD Group named “Board Members”

Connect to Microsoft Teams environment


Use the list of UPNs to export the Teams they belong to then remove them from the Teams

ForEach ($userToRemove in Get-Content C:\Scripts\UPNofADGroup.txt)


$exportedFile = "C:\Scripts\" + $userToRemove + ".txt"

Get-Team -User $userToRemove | FT -AutoSize > $exportedFile

$GroupIDList = Get-Team -User $userToRemove | Select *GroupID*

Foreach ($GroupID in $GroupIDList)


Remove-TeamUser -GroupID $GroupID.GroupID -user $userToRemove




Hope this helps anyone who may be looking for a script like this.

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