
Monday, January 18, 2021

Editing a Microsoft Teams Guest Name

One of the questions I’ve been frequently ask over the last few months is how to edit the name of a guest who is being invited into a Microsoft Teams Team as a member and as easy as it is if you know how to do it, the method can be easily missed for those who do not know so this post serves to demonstrate it.

***Note that feature for editing the name of the guest is only available if the guest has not already been invited into the organization and therefore been saved in the guest directory. Instructions on how to edit and/or remove the guest account will be included after the demonstration of how to edit a new guest member.

Edit a Microsoft Teams Guest Name Upon First Invite

Begin by clicking on the ellipsis beside the team and select Manage team option:


Click on the Add member for the team that the guest will be invited to:


Type in the guest’s full email address into the search field and then select the Add <guestEmailAddress> as a guest option:


With the guest email address added, click on the little pencil beside the account:


The name of the guest will be displayed:


Edit the name as required and click on the checkmark button:


Proceed to add the edited guest by clicking on the Add button:


Add any required additional guests and then click on the Close button:


The guest will now be added to the team with the edited name:


Edit guest information after they have been added to the directory

Editing guest information after they have been invited to a team and thus added to the directory can be done as described in the following Microsoft documentation:

Edit guest user information

Allowing guest name to be edited after they have been added to the directory

There is no easy way to allow users to edit a guest’s name if that guest has already been added to the directory because the option to modify the name will not be available. Below is an attempt to add an email address that has already been added to the directory:


Notice how the pencil icon is no longer available since it exists in the directory and existing guest account was referenced:


The only way around this is to go into the Guest users directory and delete the user but this would affect any Teams or applications that this guest account is used:


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