
Monday, September 28, 2020

Configuring Zoom with ADFS as an iDP

I was recently asked to configure Zoom with ADFS and found certain parts of the following documentation provided by Zoom:

Configuring Zoom With ADFS

… a bit confusing so I would like to write this post to provide a clear example of the settings required in the portal.

To configure Zoom to use ADFS as an iDP, you’ll need to log into the administration console, navigate to Admin > Advanced > Single Sign-On and click on Enable Single Sign-On:


Once in the portal, edit the SAML settings as shown in the screenshot below:


The two configuration settings I felt wasn’t clear in the instructions were:

  • Identity provider certificate
  • Issuer (IDP Entity ID)

What confused me with the Identity provider certificate was whether we should copy and paste the tags in or not and the answer is no:


As for the Issuer (IDP Entity ID), ensure that you use the ADFS URL:


The instructions for configuring the ADFS servers were fairly straight forward so I won’t include them in this post. If you experience any issues with logging via the ADFS portal, you can turn on logging in the Zoom administrative portal by enabling the Save SAML response logs on user sign-in:


With the above enabled, a new tab will be available to review sign-in attempts:


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