You have a pool of desktops that are currently in a status / state where you are unable to use the VMware Horizon 7 administrator console to remove:
Deleting (missing)
Maintenance mode (missing)
Older version of View required the administrator to manually remove references of the VMs from the ADAM database hosted on the View Connection Servers, the entries in the composer SQL database, virtual machine on vCenter (if it exists), as well as the Active Director computer object but newer version such as 7 now provide a tool named viewdbchk.cmd that automates this process.
This command can be found at the following directory:
C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware View\Server\tools\bin
Simply executing this command will provide you with the switches available:
C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware View\Server\tools\bin>viewdbchk.cmd
No command specified
ViewDbChk --findDesktop --desktopName <desktop name> [--verbose]
Find a desktop pool by name.
ViewDbChk --enableDesktop --desktopName <desktop name> [--verbose]
Enable a desktop pool.
ViewDbChk --disableDesktop --desktopName <desktop name> [--verbose]
Disable a desktop pool.
ViewDbChk --findMachine --desktopName <desktop name> --machineName <machine name
> [--verbose]
Find a machine by name.
ViewDbChk --removeMachine --machineName <machine name> [--desktopName <desktop n
ame>] [--force] [--noErrorCheck] [--verbose]
Remove a machine from a desktop pool.
ViewDbChk --scanMachines [--desktopName <desktop name>] [--limit <maximum delete
s>] [--force] [--verbose]
Scan all machines for problems. The scan can optionally be limited to a speci
fic desktop pool.
ViewDbChk --help [--commandName] [--verbose]
Display help for all commands, or a specific command.
C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware View\Server\tools\bin>
Using automated scan option to detect problematic virtual machines
The recommended first step to take is to use the scanMachines switch to allow the tool to automatically detect any problematic machines in the pools. Note that the tool needs the pool to be disabled in order for it to scan it and it is best to disable provisioning as well to prevent new machines from being provisioned when one is deleted.
Here is a sample of the process with a limit of 200 machines specified:
viewdbchk.cmd --scanMachines --limit 200
C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware View\Server\tools\bin>viewdbchk.cmd --scanMachine
s --limit 200
Checking for machines with errors...
Connecting to vCenter "". This m
ay take some time...
Connecting to vCenter "". This m
ay take some time...
Found 35 machine(s) with errors in 4 desktop pool(s)
Processing desktop pool "cont_disaster_recovery"
Desktop Pool Name: cont_Disaster_Recovery
Desktop Pool Type: STICKY_TYPE
VM Folder: /UK DR/vm/VM View/cont_Disaster_Recovery/
Desktop Pool Disabled: true
Desktop Pool Provisioning Enabled: false
Checking connectivity...
Machine "contDR-008" has errors
VM Name: contDR-008
Creation Date: 9/24/18 9:21:43 PM BST
MOID: vm-10521
VM Folder: /UK DR/vm/VM View/cont_Disaster_Recovery/contDR-008
VM Missing In vCenter: true
Do you want to remove the desktop machine "contDR-008"? (yes/no):
As shown above, the tool will prompt you with the suspected problematic virtual desktop name and ask if you would like to remove it. It is important that you verify the virtual machine identified is indeed a machine you would like to delete as you cannot reverse the process.
Selecting yes to the machine will output the following:
Do you want to remove the desktop machine "contDR-008"? (yes/no):yes
Shutting down VM "/UK DR/vm/VM View/cont_Disaster_Recovery/contDR-008"...
** ERROR: EXCEPTION: VM not found: vm-10521 **
Removing VM "/UK DR/vm/VM View/cont_Disaster_Recovery/contDR-008" from inventory..
** ERROR: EXCEPTION: VM not found: vm-10521 **
Removing ThinApp entitlements for machine "/UK DR/vm/VM View/cont_Disaster_Recove
Removing machine "/UK DR/vm/VM View/cont_Disaster_Recovery/contDR-008" from LDAP..
Running delete VM scripts for machine "/UK DR/vm/VM View/cont_Disaster_Recovery/T
Machine "contDR-004" has errors
VM Name: contDR-004
Creation Date: 9/24/18 9:21:43 PM BST
MOID: vm-10520
VM Folder: /UK DR/vm/VM View/cont_Disaster_Recovery/contDR-004
VM Missing In vCenter: true
Do you want to remove the desktop machine "contDR-004"? (yes/no):
The tool will proceed with scanning other machines once the earlier problematic machine has been deleted. Once all of the identified VMs are deleted, the tool will ask if you would like to re-enable provisioning if it is currently disabled:
With the pass of the first pool completed, it will move onto the next pool but if the pool is not disabled then it will ask if I can be disabled. This is obviously potentially service impacting so if the pool is in production and being used, select no.
Checking connectivity...
The desktop pool "Standard_Desktop" must be disabled before proceeding. Do
you want to disable the desktop pool? (yes/no):
Manually identifying problematic virtual machines and removing them
There will be times when the scanMachines switch would not be able to identify problematic machines. An example of this would be pools that are stuck in the Deleting state:
You can find these machines in the Machine view but unable to click into the pool itself:
The method to remove these machines would be to manually specify the machine name and the pool using the removeMachine switch. The following is an example of the cmdlet:
viewdbchk.cmd --removeMachine --machineName UKVD-050 --desktopName Building__VMs
The following is an example of the output:
C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware View\Server\tools\bin>viewdbchk.cmd --removeMachi
ne --machineName contUKVD-050 --desktopName Building__VMs
Looking for desktop pool "Building__VMs" in LDAP...
Desktop Pool Name: Building__VMs
Desktop Pool Type: STICKY_TYPE
VM Folder: /Hemel Hempstead/vm/contE UK Windows 10 VDI/London/Gold 2vCPU - 8GB
Desktop Pool Disabled: true
Desktop Pool Provisioning Enabled: false
Desktop Pool Provisioning Error: The task was canceled by a user.
Looking for machine "/Hemel Hempstead/vm/contE UK Windows 10 VDI/London/Gold 2vCP
U - 8GB RAM/Building__VMs/contUKVD-050" in vCenter...
Connecting to vCenter "". This m
ay take some time...
Checking connectivity...
Found machine "contUKVD-050"
VM Name: contUKVD-050
Creation Date: 3/6/19 6:48:14 AM GMT
VM Folder: /Hemel Hempstead/vm/contE UK Windows 10 VDI/London/Gold 2vCPU - 8GB
VM Missing In vCenter: true
Do you want to remove the desktop machine "contUKVD-050"? (yes/no):Yes
LDAP record for machine "contUKVD-050" is incomplete.
Trying to remove machine by name...
Looking for machine "/Hemel Hempstead/vm/contE UK Windows 10 VDI/London/Gold 2vCP
U - 8GB RAM/Building__VMs/contUKVD-050" in vCenter...
Removing ThinApp entitlements for machine "/Hemel Hempstead/vm/contE UK Windows 1
0 VDI/London/Gold 2vCPU - 8GB RAM/Building__VMs/contUKVD-050"...
Removing machine "/Hemel Hempstead/vm/contE UK Windows 10 VDI/London/Gold 2vCPU -
8GB RAM/Building__VMs/contUKVD-050" from LDAP...
Running delete VM scripts for machine "/Hemel Hempstead/vm/contE UK Windows 10 VD
I/London/Gold 2vCPU - 8GB RAM/Building__VMs/contUKVD-050"...
Provisioning has been disabled for the desktop pool "Building__VMs". Do you want
to enable it? (yes/no):
Repeat the same for all the other VMs and the pool will be successfully removed.
Very helpful! Thank you for posting this.