
Saturday, April 13, 2019

Attempting to upgrade Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 from CU8 to CU12 fails with: “Setup can't continue with the upgrade because the mscorsvw (3152) has open files.”


You’re attempting to upgrade Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 from CU8 to CU12 but the process fails at the Prerequisite Analysis with:

Setup can't continue with the upgrade because the mscorsvw (3152) has open

files. Close the process, and then restart Setup.

For more information, visit:



This error is typically thrown shortly after a server restart when the .NET framework’s Native Image Generator Technology (NGEN) is running in the background.  It is not a good idea to try and terminate the process and waiting for around 10 minutes is usually enough time for the process to complete depending on how fast the server hardware can complete the operations.

For the environment in this example, it took about 8 minutes for the installer to successfully run:


  1. Thanks Terence. I needed to read this to have patiance with my Exchange 2016 patching.

  2. Thank you. Huge respect for people you who take the time to write down this kind of knowledge. The least I can do is take the time to thank you.

  3. Terence

    By default, NGEN only uses one CPU core for this operation . There is an option to make this work done quickly by making it to use up to 6 cores when we require them. By doing this it will complete its compilation job quickly.
    Open CMD in elevated mode and run this command from this path

    c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe executeQueuedItems
