I recently ran into a problem with a new Lync Server 2013 deployment where Lync Meetings set up with the My dedicated meeting (less secure) option would not provide users with audio and video options:
If the user changes the Lync Meeting Options to A new meeting space (I control permissions) then the audio and video controls will be present:
This was the first time I’ve come across such an issue and after running out of ideas, I went ahead and opened up a case with Microsoft and the response I got was that the issue is usually caused by corruption of user conference ID and one of the ways to fix this is to reset the user’s conference information. With that information, I went ahead and tried resetting the conference information via the user’s Dial-in Conferencing Settings and PIN management web console:
… quickly verified that the problem went away. The challenge now was that I couldn’t ask all the users in the company to manually do this themselves and after confirming that there isn’t a PowerShell cmdlet to reset this for all users in the company, the only methods were:
#1 – Use an unsupported method by modifying the database as shown in the following blog post:
Resetting default Lync Conference ID’s
#2 – Disable and re-enable the users’ accounts
I read the comments in the blog post for option #1 and was not comfortable with using the method because of the possible consequences down the road so after consulting with the client, they were ok with me using a PowerShell cmdlet to disable and re-enable the user accounts provided that I preserved their contact list.
The following is the command I used to export all the users’ contact list:
Export-CsUserData -PoolFQDN "lyncstd01.contoso.com" -FileName "C:\ContactExports\PoolContacts.zip"
The following are the cmdlets I used to disable and re-enable each user’s account then re-import their contact list:
Disable-CsUser a-tluk@contoso.com
Enable-CsUser -Identity a-tluk@contoso.com -registrarpool "lyncstd01.contoso.com" -SipAddresstype emailaddress -sipdomain contoso.com
Update-CsUserData -Filename "C:\ContactExports\PoolContacts.zip" -UserFilter a-tluk@contoso.com
Update-CsUserData -Filename "C:\ContactExports\PoolContacts.zip" -UserFilter a-tluk@contoso.com -Confirm:$false
Guys!! I want to know about event spaces in New York City. Actually, my organization is planning to host their business events in New York. So, these days we are searching for decent venues. Please give your suggestions on that.
ReplyDeleteThis has been really helpful, thank you.