You’ve completed configuring federation for two Exchange 2010 server organizations and begin testing calendar sharing but noticed that users from one of the Exchange organizations displays the following message when viewing free/busy schedule:
The attendee’s server couldn’t be contacted. (Error code: 5016)
Executing the Test-FederationTrust cmdlet on the Exchange Server in the domain that does not appear to be sharing calendar information displays the following errors:
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Test-FederationTrust -UserIdentity
RunspaceId : 44741c0c-b08a-4979-abbc-9317481f9307
Id : FederationTrustConfiguration
Type : Success
Message : FederationTrust object in ActiveDirectory is valid.
RunspaceId : 44741c0c-b08a-4979-abbc-9317481f9307
Id : FederationMetadata
Type : Error
Message : The federation trust doesn't contain the same certificates published by the security token service in its
federation metadata.
RunspaceId : 44741c0c-b08a-4979-abbc-9317481f9307
Id : StsCertificate
Type : Success
Message : Valid certificate referenced by property TokenIssuerCertificate in the FederationTrust object.
RunspaceId : 44741c0c-b08a-4979-abbc-9317481f9307
Id : StsPreviousCertificate
Type : Success
Message : Valid certificate referenced by property TokenIssuerPrevCertificate in the FederationTrust object.
RunspaceId : 44741c0c-b08a-4979-abbc-9317481f9307
Id : OrganizationCertificate
Type : Success
Message : Valid certificate referenced by property OrgPrivCertificate in the FederationTrust object.
RunspaceId : 44741c0c-b08a-4979-abbc-9317481f9307
Id : TokenRequest
Type : Success
Message : Request for delegation token succeeded.
RunspaceId : 44741c0c-b08a-4979-abbc-9317481f9307
Id : TokenValidation
Type : Error
Message : Failed to validate delegation token.
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>
While there are probably various reasons why the errors above would be thrown, one of the environments I worked with that had this issue was fixed by rerunning the Manage Federation... wizard as such:
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