
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Unable to install Citrix XenDesktop 5.6 VDA agent update or uninstall the VDA agent

I ran into an interesting issue today when I was working on a user’s dedicated desktop.  The issue was related to the Google Optimization pack which began watermarking Google Chrome with the SwiftShader logo.  I have all the screenshots captured to write a detailed blog post to fix that at a later time but the short and brief explanation of the fix is to replaced the d3d9.dll file bundled with the Google Optimization pack with the original one supplied by Windows then replace it again with the optimization pack dll file.  Shortly after I fixed the SwiftShader watermark issue, I thought it would be a good opportunity to upgrade the desktop’s VDA agent from 5.6.300 to 5.6.400 so I went ahead to run the installer but notice that it would fail with the following error:

Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent Core Services – x64

There is a problem with this Windows Installer package.
A DLL required for this install to complete could not be run.  Contact your support personnel or package vendor.


Not aware that this was related to the d3d9.dll file, I figure I’d try uninstall the 5.6.300 core services update from the Programs and Features menu and noticed that I would receive the same error message causing the uninstall to rollback and terminate.  From here, I went on to try and uninstall the Citrix 5.6 VDA agent but it would also fail with the following log:

************************************* Start of new log ***********************************
Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Application version
Running from C:\Program Files\Citrix\XenDesktopVdaSetup\MetaInstallerCore.dll
18:14:48.3368 : XenDesktopSetup:Checking for Virtual Machine environment and caching the results...
18:14:48.5108 : XenDesktopSetup:IsVirtualMachine: Checking for Virtual Machine...
18:14:49.0408 : XenDesktopSetup:IsVirtualMachine: SMBIOS Information
18:14:49.0418 : XenDesktopSetup:  Name: VMware Virtual Platform
18:14:49.0428 : XenDesktopSetup:  Vendor: VMware, Inc.
18:14:49.0428 : XenDesktopSetup:Vendor Info: Unknown
18:14:49.0458 : XenDesktopSetup:IsVirtualMachine: Virtual Machine Detected.
18:14:49.0468 : XenDesktopSetup:IsVirtualMachine: Checking for Virtual Machine...
18:14:49.1039 : XenDesktopSetup:IsVirtualMachine: SMBIOS Information
18:14:49.1039 : XenDesktopSetup:  Name: VMware Virtual Platform
18:14:49.1049 : XenDesktopSetup:  Vendor: VMware, Inc.
18:14:49.1049 : XenDesktopSetup:Vendor Info: VMWare
18:14:49.1079 : XenDesktopSetup:IsVirtualMachine: Virtual Machine Detected.
18:14:49.2349 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {0a4bbeef-2958-44c8-9ef7-4c2c0adc3d6e} is not installed.
18:14:49.2409 : XenDesktopSetup:Service pack: 1
18:14:49.2799 : XenDesktopSetup:This is a supported VDA OS.'
18:14:51.7031 : XenDesktopSetup:Found installed MSI product upgrade code'{C5CA087F-BA72-41A1-A469-E137ECB54D2E}', product code {569E8A6E-14CC-47C2-ABCE-489EB5B1251C}, version '5.6.300'
18:14:51.7281 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {30411FC2-9D05-43FE-9D85-A0F3BDDBD306} is not installed.
18:14:51.7311 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {4A80D587-C1F4-4B5B-874C-398EDA0D0EE7} is not installed.
18:14:51.7341 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {9F62F192-E0FB-4615-A686-BD79D40E8970} is not installed.
18:14:51.7441 : XenDesktopSetup:CheckRegKeyExists: RegKey Software\WoW6432Node\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\ICA_Client: Opened Registry Key successfully.
18:14:51.7451 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {C6F601FC-380A-4399-B1E9-7B881F70D1D2} is not installed.
18:14:51.7561 : XenDesktopSetup:Current User Preferences follows state: after-process-cmdline
18:14:51.7761 : XenDesktopSetup:NoWinRM = False
ShowUI = False
NoReboot = False
NoPrerequisites = False
UIMode = Normal
LogPath =
VerboseLog = False
WorkingDirectory = C:\Users\tluk\AppData\Local\Temp\rbt_6f491a8f-fd4d-4361-a977-7d91426b7d1b
InstallDirectory = C:\Program Files\Citrix
PreSelectedComponents =
CDRoot =
InstallationResuming = False
EnableFlashSecurity = False
EnableProGraphics = False
ProGraphicsKeyFile =
ChangeFirewall = False
ConfigureBrokerPorts = False
ConfigureUdpPorts = False
ConfigureRemoteAssistance = False
ConfigureRemoteManagement = False
OptimizeVirtualMachine = False
IsVirtualMachine = True
IsVMWareVirtualMachine = True
XenAppServerLocation =
FarmGuid =
ControllerNames =
WcfPort =
NoCitrixWDDM = False
CitrixWddmOnHyperV = False
EnabledPersonalVDisk = False
Virtual Desktop Agent,

18:14:56.9386 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {30411FC2-9D05-43FE-9D85-A0F3BDDBD306} is not installed.
18:14:56.9386 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {4A80D587-C1F4-4B5B-874C-398EDA0D0EE7} is not installed.
18:14:56.9386 : XenDesktopSetup:Component group Virtual Desktop Agent installation status is PartiallyInstalled
18:14:56.9436 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {4A80D587-C1F4-4B5B-874C-398EDA0D0EE7} is not installed.
18:14:57.0596 : XenDesktopSetup:CheckRegKeyExists: RegKey Software\WoW6432Node\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\ICA_Client: Opened Registry Key successfully.
18:14:57.0606 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {C6F601FC-380A-4399-B1E9-7B881F70D1D2} is not installed.
18:14:57.0606 : XenDesktopSetup:Component group Citrix Receiver installation status is NotInstalled
18:14:57.0887 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {30411FC2-9D05-43FE-9D85-A0F3BDDBD306} is not installed.
18:14:57.0887 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {4A80D587-C1F4-4B5B-874C-398EDA0D0EE7} is not installed.
18:14:57.0887 : XenDesktopSetup:Component group Virtual Desktop Agent installation status is PartiallyInstalled
18:14:57.0887 : XenDesktopSetup:CheckRegKeyExists: RegKey Software\WoW6432Node\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\ICA_Client: Opened Registry Key successfully.
18:14:57.0887 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {C6F601FC-380A-4399-B1E9-7B881F70D1D2} is not installed.
18:14:57.0887 : XenDesktopSetup:Component group Citrix Receiver installation status is NotInstalled
18:14:57.0987 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {30411FC2-9D05-43FE-9D85-A0F3BDDBD306} is not installed.
18:14:57.0987 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {4A80D587-C1F4-4B5B-874C-398EDA0D0EE7} is not installed.
18:14:57.0987 : XenDesktopSetup:Component group Virtual Desktop Agent installation status is PartiallyInstalled
18:14:57.0987 : XenDesktopSetup:CheckRegKeyExists: RegKey Software\WoW6432Node\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\ICA_Client: Opened Registry Key successfully.
18:14:57.0997 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {C6F601FC-380A-4399-B1E9-7B881F70D1D2} is not installed.
18:14:57.0997 : XenDesktopSetup:Component group Citrix Receiver installation status is NotInstalled
18:14:59.8319 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {30411FC2-9D05-43FE-9D85-A0F3BDDBD306} is not installed.
18:14:59.8319 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {4A80D587-C1F4-4B5B-874C-398EDA0D0EE7} is not installed.
18:14:59.8319 : XenDesktopSetup:Component group Virtual Desktop Agent installation status is PartiallyInstalled
18:14:59.9219 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {30411FC2-9D05-43FE-9D85-A0F3BDDBD306} is not installed.
18:14:59.9929 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {30411FC2-9D05-43FE-9D85-A0F3BDDBD306} is not installed.
18:14:59.9929 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {4A80D587-C1F4-4B5B-874C-398EDA0D0EE7} is not installed.
18:14:59.9929 : XenDesktopSetup:Component group Virtual Desktop Agent installation status is PartiallyInstalled
18:14:59.9939 : XenDesktopSetup:CheckRegKeyExists: RegKey Software\WoW6432Node\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\ICA_Client: Opened Registry Key successfully.
18:14:59.9939 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {C6F601FC-380A-4399-B1E9-7B881F70D1D2} is not installed.
18:14:59.9939 : XenDesktopSetup:Component group Citrix Receiver installation status is NotInstalled
18:14:59.9939 : XenDesktopSetup:Checking dependencies for installed component groups:
18:14:59.9959 : XenDesktopSetup:'Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent' is depended by 0 groups:
18:14:59.9959 : XenDesktopSetup:'Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1' is depended by 0 groups:
18:14:59.9959 : XenDesktopSetup:'Virtual Desktop Agent' is depended by 0 groups:
18:14:59.9959 : XenDesktopSetup:'Machine Identity Service' is depended by 0 groups:
18:14:59.9959 : XenDesktopSetup:'Personal vDisk' is depended by 0 groups:
18:14:59.9959 : XenDesktopSetup:'Citrix Online Plug-in' is depended by 0 groups:
18:14:59.9959 : XenDesktopSetup:'Citrix Offline Plug-in' is depended by 0 groups:
18:14:59.9959 : XenDesktopSetup:The following components have been unscheduled due to existing dependencies:
18:15:00.0349 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {30411FC2-9D05-43FE-9D85-A0F3BDDBD306} is not installed.
18:15:00.0349 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {4A80D587-C1F4-4B5B-874C-398EDA0D0EE7} is not installed.
18:15:00.0349 : XenDesktopSetup:Component group Virtual Desktop Agent installation status is NotInstalled
18:15:01.6311 : XenDesktopSetup:Installation action = Remove
18:15:01.6321 : XenDesktopSetup:Groups scheduled for action: 'Virtual Desktop Agent',
18:15:01.6321 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {30411FC2-9D05-43FE-9D85-A0F3BDDBD306} is not installed.
18:15:01.6331 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {30411FC2-9D05-43FE-9D85-A0F3BDDBD306} is not installed.
18:15:01.6331 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {4A80D587-C1F4-4B5B-874C-398EDA0D0EE7} is not installed.
18:15:01.6331 : XenDesktopSetup:Component group Virtual Desktop Agent installation status is PartiallyInstalled
18:15:01.6331 : XenDesktopSetup:CheckRegKeyExists: RegKey Software\WoW6432Node\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\ICA_Client: Opened Registry Key successfully.
18:15:01.6331 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {C6F601FC-380A-4399-B1E9-7B881F70D1D2} is not installed.
18:15:01.6341 : XenDesktopSetup:Component group Citrix Receiver installation status is NotInstalled
18:15:01.6341 : XenDesktopSetup:Checking dependencies for installed component groups:
18:15:01.6341 : XenDesktopSetup:'Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent' is depended by 0 groups:
18:15:01.6341 : XenDesktopSetup:'Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1' is depended by 0 groups:
18:15:01.6341 : XenDesktopSetup:'Virtual Desktop Agent' is depended by 0 groups:
18:15:01.6341 : XenDesktopSetup:'Machine Identity Service' is depended by 0 groups:
18:15:01.6341 : XenDesktopSetup:'Personal vDisk' is depended by 0 groups:
18:15:01.6341 : XenDesktopSetup:'Citrix Online Plug-in' is depended by 0 groups:
18:15:01.6341 : XenDesktopSetup:'Citrix Offline Plug-in' is depended by 0 groups:
18:15:01.6341 : XenDesktopSetup:The following components have been unscheduled due to existing dependencies:
18:15:01.6341 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {30411FC2-9D05-43FE-9D85-A0F3BDDBD306} is not installed.
18:15:01.6341 : XenDesktopSetup:Product with upgrade code {4A80D587-C1F4-4B5B-874C-398EDA0D0EE7} is not installed.
18:15:01.6341 : XenDesktopSetup:Component group Virtual Desktop Agent installation status is NotInstalled
18:15:01.6691 : XenDesktopSetup:Total remove cost = 4
18:15:01.6771 : XenDesktopSetup:About to initialize component 'Virtual Desktop Agent'
18:15:01.6811 : XenDesktopSetup:Successfully initialized component 'Virtual Desktop Agent'
18:15:01.6811 : XenDesktopSetup:About to initialize component 'Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent'
18:15:01.6821 : XenDesktopSetup:Successfully initialized component 'Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent'
18:15:01.7001 : XenDesktopSetup:Remove action requested on component 'Virtual Desktop Agent'
18:15:01.7001 : XenDesktopSetup:About to remove component 'Virtual Desktop Agent'
18:15:01.7451 : XenDesktopSetup:About to remove MSI with product code '{569E8A6E-14CC-47C2-ABCE-489EB5B1251C}' (XdsAgent_x64) using parameters ''
18:15:01.8391 : XenDesktopSetup:Starting process 'msiexec' with args '/x "{569E8A6E-14CC-47C2-ABCE-489EB5B1251C}" /lv "C:\Users\tluk\AppData\Local\Temp\Citrix\XenDesktop Installer\MSI Log Files\XdsAgent_x64_uninstall1458828102.txt" /quiet  REBOOT=ReallySuppress REBOOTPROMPT=Suppress'
18:15:04.3084 : XenDesktopSetup:Process completed with error code 1603
18:15:04.3144 : XenDesktopSetup:Removal of MSI Product '{569E8A6E-14CC-47C2-ABCE-489EB5B1251C}' failed with code 'InstallFailure'
18:15:04.3164 : XenDesktopSetup:Failed to remove component 'Virtual Desktop Agent'. Uninstallation of VDA MSI failed. VDA Upgrade Code is:{C5CA087F-BA72-41A1-A469-E137ECB54D2E}
18:15:04.3184 : XenDesktopSetup:Recording installation failure from component 'Virtual Desktop Agent'
18:15:04.3264 : XenDesktopSetup:Remove failed
18:15:04.3734 : XenDesktopSetup:InstallationManager returned Failed
18:15:07.3787 : XenDesktopSetup:MetaInstaller terminating

Still not aware of the root cause, I went ahead and try to run the XenDesktop 5.6 VDA agent installer again and while I was able to successfully go through the install via changing the components, I was still unable to uninstall the VDA agent, the 5.6.300 update or install the 5.6.400 update.

After leaving the VDI for a few hours while I worked on something else, I finally realized that this may be related to the Google Earth Optimization Pack d3d9.dll changes I made so I went ahead and copied the original Windows file back to the the directors with the following batch file:

XCOPY "\\someFileServer\Software\Citrix\XenDesktop\OptimizationPackforGoogleEarth\x64\originalWindows\d3d9.dll" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google Earth\client\alchemy\ogles20" /Y
XCOPY "\\someFileServer\Software\Citrix\XenDesktop\OptimizationPackforGoogleEarth\x64\originalWindows\d3d9.dll" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google Earth\plugin\alchemy\ogles20" /Y
XCOPY "\\someFileServer\Software\Citrix\XenDesktop\OptimizationPackforGoogleEarth\x64\originalWindows\d3d9.dll" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google Earth\client" /Y
XCOPY "\\someFileServer\Software\Citrix\XenDesktop\OptimizationPackforGoogleEarth\x64\originalWindows\d3d9.dll" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google Earth\plugin" /Y
taskkill /F /IM TeamViewer.exe
taskkill /F /IM TeamViewer_Service.exe
taskkill /F /IM Lync.exe
taskkill /F /IM iexplore.exe
XCOPY "\\someFileServer\Software\Citrix\XenDesktop\OptimizationPackforGoogleEarth\x64\originalWindows\d3d9.dll" "C:\WINDOWS\SYSWOW64" /Y

The reason why batch file has the taskkill commands is because those applications tend to lock the d3d9.dll file in the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 directory.

Once I got the original d3d9.dll file back in those directories, I was able to upgrade the VDA agent. Once I got the VDA agent upgraded, I went ahead and replaced the file again with the Google Optimization pack file.

Hope this helps anyone out there who may come across this issue as I searched for the error messages in the logs but couldn’t find anything.

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