
Friday, February 7, 2014

Microsoft Exchange 2007 to 2010 mailbox move times / statistics

Throughout all the years I’ve been working with Microsoft Exchange server migrations whether it’s for 2003, 2007, 2010 or the current 2013 version, clients tend to ask me how long I expect their mailboxes to be moved and the answer as most know is “it depends”. 

The first consideration with mailbox moves is that the Exchange 2010 CAS server’s Mailbox Replication Service (MRS) actually throttles / controls the amount of mailboxes are allowed to be moved concurrently.  The default settings can be found on your CAS server in the following config file:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Bin\MSExchangeMailboxReplication.exe.config



Reference article:

Throttling the Mailbox Replication Service

These values can be changed directly in the config file depending on the environment and whether your existing hardware can sustain and/or deliver the extra resources the move operations require.

The second consideration is the contents of the mailbox where you may have some mailboxes with a lot of small messages and others with few messages but large attachments.  I won’t rewrite what Microsoft already has documented in plenty of their KBs so I’ll simply quote the following:

One 4-GB mailbox with 400 items, each with 10 megabytes (MB) of attachments, will migrate faster than one 4-GB mailbox with 100,000 smaller items.

Factors that affect Exchange Online migration performance

The third consideration is the underlying infrastructure such as the server, network and storage hosting Microsoft Exchange.

With the above in mind, I took the time to document the mailbox move statistics for one of the last migrations I had to do for a client from their Exchange 2007 to 2010 and would like to include it into this blog post so I have something to reference to in the future:

Total Items Size (KB) Size (GB) Move Time (mins) Move Time (hours) Notes
1525134 1525134 1.454481125 30 0.50 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
15623 3065871 2.92384243 35 0.58 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
14910 1679458 1.60165596 26 0.43 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
9034 856083 0.81642437 15 0.25 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
2212 1465905 1.397995949 30 0.50 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
232767 13534512 12.90751648 189 3.15 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
13421 1824829 1.740292549 27 0.45 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
3067 447994 0.427240372 7 0.12 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
17229 1805889 1.722229958 18 0.30 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
10235 1825640 1.741065979 19 0.32 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
116812 25062475 23.90143871 291 4.85 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
35377 5773375 5.505919456 80 1.33 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
400 1824 0.001739502 2 0.03 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
4154 24953 0.023797035 3 0.05 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
1623 8153 0.007775307 2 0.03 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
3676 19919 0.018996239 5 0.08 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
965 614173 0.585721016 6 0.10 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
16582 1806149 1.722477913 26 0.43 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
3192 1755429 1.674107552 14 0.23 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
954 304840 0.290718079 6 0.10 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
18408 8242260 7.860431671 49 0.82 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
14861 6894512 6.575119019   0.00 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
36312 9623639 9.177817345 69 1.15 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
867 111425 0.106263161 2 0.03 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
4099 2220695 2.117819786 15 0.25 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
745 167195 0.159449577 2 0.03 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
2980 1988413 1.896298409 14 0.23 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
6545 2233958 2.130468369 15 0.25 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
32974 688033 0.656159401 10 0.17 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
309 52004 0.049594879 1 0.02 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
355 56905 0.054268837 3 0.05 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
1778 435017 0.41486454 10 0.17 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
9130 1112515 1.060976982 14 0.23 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
7983 2669907 2.546221733 29 0.48 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
5310 1978011 1.886378288 34 0.57 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
7632 3295918 3.143232346 38 0.63 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
4061 1017960 0.970802307 43 0.72 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
438 79156 0.075489044 56 0.93 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
5006 909068 0.866954803 54 0.90 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
2413 597744 0.570053101 63 1.05 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
587 153565 0.146450996 65 1.08 Moved in bulk of 4 mailboxes.
14894 6910834 6.590684891 32 0.53 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
7 96 9.15527E-05 148 2.47 Moved in bulk of 24 mailboxes time is not accurate due to queued time.
16 98 9.34601E-05 149 2.48 Moved in bulk of 24 mailboxes time is not accurate due to queued time.
56014 1910238 1.821744919 160 2.67 Moved in bulk of 24 mailboxes time is not accurate due to queued time.
11483 6078693 5.797093391 87 1.45 Moved in bulk of 24 mailboxes time is not accurate due to queued time.
44898 1983107 1.891238213 191 3.18 Moved in bulk of 24 mailboxes time is not accurate due to queued time.
3632 3525576 3.362251282 91 1.52 Moved in bulk of 24 mailboxes time is not accurate due to queued time.
1251 204801 0.195313454 94 1.57 Moved in bulk of 24 mailboxes time is not accurate due to queued time.
461 39790 0.037946701 95 1.58 Moved in bulk of 24 mailboxes time is not accurate due to queued time.
5 83 7.9155E-05 146 2.43 Moved in bulk of 24 mailboxes time is not accurate due to queued time.
678 196778 0.187662125 96 1.60 Moved in bulk of 24 mailboxes time is not accurate due to queued time.
9419 6484428 6.18403244 141 2.35 Moved in bulk of 24 mailboxes time is not accurate due to queued time.
2825 2406936 2.295433044 112 1.87 Moved in bulk of 24 mailboxes time is not accurate due to queued time.
131 1358 0.00129509 150 2.50 Moved in bulk of 24 mailboxes time is not accurate due to queued time.
1221 21467 0.020472527 152 2.53 Moved in bulk of 24 mailboxes time is not accurate due to queued time.
299 22777 0.02172184 153 2.55 Moved in bulk of 24 mailboxes time is not accurate due to queued time.
6 108 0.000102997 154 2.57 Moved in bulk of 24 mailboxes time is not accurate due to queued time.
5 83 7.9155E-05 155 2.58 Moved in bulk of 24 mailboxes time is not accurate due to queued time.
4 82 7.82013E-05 155 2.58 Moved in bulk of 24 mailboxes time is not accurate due to queued time.
6 207 0.000197411 156 2.60 Moved in bulk of 24 mailboxes time is not accurate due to queued time.
669 284160 0.270996094 117 1.95 Moved in bulk of 24 mailboxes time is not accurate due to queued time.
1630 398170 0.379724503 123 2.05 Moved in bulk of 24 mailboxes time is not accurate due to queued time.
5522 2040967 1.946417809 139 2.32 Moved in bulk of 24 mailboxes time is not accurate due to queued time.
11299 5977986 5.701051712 185 3.08 Moved in bulk of 24 mailboxes time is not accurate due to queued time.
4216 1505535 1.435790062 156 2.60 Moved in bulk of 24 mailboxes time is not accurate due to queued time.
24646 9520968 9.079902649 79 1.32 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
44206 17079551 16.28832912 152 2.53 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
39012 14647426 13.96887398 223 3.72 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
84 1002 0.000955582 2 0.03 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
45601 17593577 16.77854252 143 2.38 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
111 4167 0.003973961 0 0.00 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
13 137 0.000130653 1 0.02 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
32 198 0.000188828 2 0.03 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
17 149 0.000142097 3 0.05 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
36 193 0.000184059 5 0.08 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
891 4410 0.004205704 7 0.12 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
3 78 7.43866E-05 8 0.13 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
3 82 7.82013E-05 6 0.10 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
245 1897 0.00180912 10 0.17 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
67756 11653915 11.11403942 300 5.00 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
223609 54760184 52.22338104 878 14.63 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
72039 8862773 8.452198982 173 2.88 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
92932 7511814 7.163824081 481 8.02 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
33039 4848139 4.623545647 579 9.65 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
26812 10979244 10.47062302 376 6.27 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
49054 7671419 7.316035271 260 4.33 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
64281 9188019 8.762377739 203 3.38 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
54019 25236395 24.06730175 525 8.75 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
46409 17573022 16.75893974 689 11.48 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
28285 10126503 9.657385826 104 1.73 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
3895 378507 0.360972404 305 5.08 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
17953 5143101 4.90484333 517 8.62 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
445 41864 0.039924622 378 6.30 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
9849 1623132 1.547939301 279 4.65 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
15326 2885985 2.752289772 748 12.47 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
6421 617166 0.588575363 697 11.62 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
14367 2307430 2.200536728 720 12.00 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
7073 2470272 2.355834961 764 12.73 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
16369 2975223 2.837393761 60 1.00 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
2333 170347 0.162455559 700 11.67 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
3453 1868715 1.7821455 121 2.02 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
1659 165551 0.157881737 64 1.07 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
2932 1335859 1.273974419 728 12.13 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
152 1078 0.001028061 1 0.02 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
1885 141653 0.135090828 7 0.12 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
6 83 7.9155E-05 5 0.08 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
72 3243 0.003092766 6 0.10 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.
17008 3302957 3.149945259 544 9.07 Bulk move on Friday evening so time is not accurate due to queued time.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for putting up the useful information to migrate from one version to another. Moving from one version to another is really time consuming process and takes a lot of efforts. But there are some third party programs available in the market which have made this process simple and quick. Here is one such Exchange migration tool that helped us in moving from Exchange Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2010 server:

