I’ve been getting quite a few calls lately from clients who have been deploying VMware View Horizon 5.3’s HTML5 Blast Secure Gateway for HTML access to virtual desktops and while the solution is rather quite simple, I thought I’d write a short blog post to clarify why they would receive the following errors when access the URL shown in the View Connection Server Settings:
Internet Explorer
HTTP 404 Not Found
The webpage cannot be found
HTTP 404
Mozilla Firefox
Missing route token in request
The reason why an administrator would see these errors is because HTML5 access with VMware View is not meant to be access via https://<viewConnectionServerFQDN>:8443
The proper way of access any published virtual desktops with VMware View Horizon 5.x is to use the regular HTTPS 443 URL as such:
Note how the options above allow the regular Install VMware Horizon View Client option on the left and VMware Horizon View HTML Access on the right.
I will be writing another post on how to configure VMware Horizon View HTML5 access over the next few days.
I am not a developer but i am geek so i understand all that stuff maybe some day i can start doing some stuff on mobile phones, but now i am studying fine arts so i don't have too much time, i have to download whatsapp to show this to my firends.