
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Enterprise Pool Database Permissions

As with one of my previous posts for Microsoft Lync Server 2010 where I documented the permissions for the databases created on the back-end server for a Lync Server 2013 pool:

Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Pool SQL Database Permissions

… this post serves to do the same for the new Lync Server 2013.

Upon successfully deploying Lync Server 2013, the following databases are created:

  • cpsdyn
  • rgsconfig
  • rgsdyn
  • rtcab
  • rtcshared
  • rtcxds


The following screenshots show the accounts assigned to these databases:

  • cpsdyn


  • rgsconfig


  • rgsdyn


  • rtcab


  • rtcshared


  • rtcxds



The following are logins created for the SQL server:

  • RTCComponentUniversalServices
  • RTCHSUniversalServices
  • RTCUniveresalReadOnlyAdmins
  • RTCUniversalServerAdmins


The method I usually use to do a quick audit of databases is actually to execute the stored procedure: sp_helplogins which will allow me to quickly have a look at which account has what permissions. With that being said, since there may be administrators reading this post who are not familiar with SQL, I will paste the screenshots for the properties of each login before I paste the table:





**Note that you should ignore the mgs database because that belongs to a Persistent Chat (the new Group Chat) deployment.












As I mentioned earlier, the method I usually use to perform a quick audit of databases is actually to execute the stored procedure: sp_helplogins which will allow me to quickly have a look at which account has what permissions. The following is what the tables look like when you execute the stored procedure:


The table of interest in the 2 above is the second one at the bottom where it will list out all the services and their respective role membership. The following is the table copy and pasted into a table:

LoginName DBName UserName UserOrAlias
##MS_AgentSigningCertificate## master ##MS_AgentSigningCertificate## User   
##MS_PolicyEventProcessingLogin## master ##MS_PolicyEventProcessingLogin## User   
##MS_PolicyEventProcessingLogin## msdb ##MS_PolicyEventProcessingLogin## User   
##MS_PolicyEventProcessingLogin## msdb PolicyAdministratorRole MemberOf
##MS_PolicyTsqlExecutionLogin## msdb ##MS_PolicyTsqlExecutionLogin## User   
##MS_PolicyTsqlExecutionLogin## msdb PolicyAdministratorRole MemberOf
METALS\RTCComponentUniversalServices cpsdyn METALS\RTCComponentUniversalServices User   
METALS\RTCComponentUniversalServices cpsdyn ReadWriteRole MemberOf
METALS\RTCComponentUniversalServices mgc METALS\RTCComponentUniversalServices User   
METALS\RTCComponentUniversalServices mgc ServerRole MemberOf
METALS\RTCComponentUniversalServices rgsconfig METALS\RTCComponentUniversalServices User   
METALS\RTCComponentUniversalServices rgsconfig ReadWriteRole MemberOf
METALS\RTCComponentUniversalServices rgsdyn METALS\RTCComponentUniversalServices User   
METALS\RTCComponentUniversalServices rgsdyn ReadWriteRole MemberOf
METALS\RTCComponentUniversalServices rtcab METALS\RTCComponentUniversalServices User   
METALS\RTCComponentUniversalServices rtcab ServerRole MemberOf
METALS\RTCHSUniversalServices rtcshared METALS\RTCHSUniversalServices User   
METALS\RTCHSUniversalServices rtcshared ServerRole MemberOf
METALS\RTCHSUniversalServices rtcxds ConsumerRole MemberOf
METALS\RTCHSUniversalServices rtcxds METALS\RTCHSUniversalServices User   
METALS\RTCHSUniversalServices rtcxds PublisherRole MemberOf
METALS\RTCHSUniversalServices rtcxds ReplicatorRole MemberOf
METALS\RTCUniversalReadOnlyAdmins cpsdyn METALS\RTCUniversalReadOnlyAdmins User   
METALS\RTCUniversalReadOnlyAdmins cpsdyn ReadOnlyRole MemberOf
METALS\RTCUniversalReadOnlyAdmins rgsconfig METALS\RTCUniversalReadOnlyAdmins User   
METALS\RTCUniversalReadOnlyAdmins rgsconfig ReadOnlyRole MemberOf
METALS\RTCUniversalReadOnlyAdmins rgsdyn METALS\RTCUniversalReadOnlyAdmins User   
METALS\RTCUniversalReadOnlyAdmins rgsdyn ReadOnlyRole MemberOf
METALS\RTCUniversalReadOnlyAdmins rtcxds ConsumerRole MemberOf
METALS\RTCUniversalReadOnlyAdmins rtcxds METALS\RTCUniversalReadOnlyAdmins User   
METALS\RTCUniversalServerAdmins cpsdyn METALS\RTCUniversalServerAdmins User   
METALS\RTCUniversalServerAdmins cpsdyn ReadWriteRole MemberOf
METALS\RTCUniversalServerAdmins rgsconfig METALS\RTCUniversalServerAdmins User   
METALS\RTCUniversalServerAdmins rgsconfig ReadWriteRole MemberOf
METALS\RTCUniversalServerAdmins rgsdyn METALS\RTCUniversalServerAdmins User   
METALS\RTCUniversalServerAdmins rgsdyn ReadWriteRole MemberOf
METALS\RTCUniversalServerAdmins rtcxds METALS\RTCUniversalServerAdmins User   
METALS\RTCUniversalServerAdmins rtcxds PublisherRole MemberOf
sa cpsdyn db_owner MemberOf
sa cpsdyn dbo User   
sa master db_owner MemberOf
sa master dbo User   
sa mgc db_owner MemberOf
sa mgc dbo User   
sa model db_owner MemberOf
sa model dbo User   
sa msdb db_owner MemberOf
sa msdb dbo User   
sa rgsconfig db_owner MemberOf
sa rgsconfig dbo User   
sa rgsdyn db_owner MemberOf
sa rgsdyn dbo User   
sa rtcab db_owner MemberOf
sa rtcab dbo User   
sa rtcshared db_owner MemberOf
sa rtcshared dbo User   
sa rtcxds db_owner MemberOf
sa rtcxds dbo User   
sa tempdb db_owner MemberOf
sa tempdb dbo User   

If you’re not familiar with the table and the cells, try reconciling it with the following examples:

image image

Notice how I opened up the User Mapping for the account RTCUniversalServices under the database rtcshared and you see how only ServerRole was checked?

Hope this helps anyone that may come across a problem where their Lync Server 2013 front-end pool’s database permissions has been tampered with or modified unintentionally and needs to reference default settings.


  1. Great Post thanks. If you could please write on different DBs in EE front end and how do they sync with BE DBs.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This has been very helpfull. Is there a way to reset the permissions on all the DBs if they get messed up or were not applied correctly?

    Also, could you show the default permissions for the XDS and LIS DB?

    Thank you.

  4. Have you run the Cisco Jabber deleteaccount.exe against your sql backend? It is looking for a database called "rtc" but there isn't a database "rtc". When I run the command against my front ends using \rtclocal it runs fine.

    Thanks for any insight.

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