You’ve suffered a failure on your VMware SRM’s “Protected Site” or “Recovery Site” server. You have no backups so you proceed to rebuild the server by reinstalling and restoring the databases. Upon completing the rebuild, you get the following error:
You try to manually re-establish the connection by re-running the “Configure” option under “Protection Setup”:
… but get the following error:
A specified parameter was not correct.
Exporting the VMware SRM troubleshooting logs show the following:
[2011-09-13 13:34:34.852 07272 verbose 'InventoryMapper'] Made recommendations for 1 VMs in 0 seconds
[2011-09-13 13:34:34.887 07676 info 'Replication'] Creating protection profile with name 'Test'
[2011-09-13 13:34:34.950 07676 error 'SOAP'] Method dr.primary.Configuration.createProtectionProfileWithGroup threw undeclared fault of type dr.fault.RemoteSiteNotFound
[2011-09-13 13:34:42.120 05092 verbose 'com.vmware.vcDr.ServiceInstance.AddRemoteSite-Task'] Task destroyed
[2011-09-13 13:34:42.120 05092 verbose 'SimpleTaskManager'] Scanning for tasks to reap
[2011-09-13 13:34:42.120 05092 verbose 'SimpleTaskManager'] Task Array.Synchronize-50 marked as complete
[2011-09-13 13:34:42.120 05092 verbose 'SimpleTaskManager'] Task com.vmware.vcDr.San.RecomputeLunGroups-51 marked as complete
One of the reasons why you’re experiencing this problem is because during the install, you did not specify the original name for the “Site Name” of the VMware SRM server you are recovering. The following is a screenshot of the field:
You can also see the “Site Name” in the following screenshot. Notice how the name is: “Site Recovery for…”
In this example, the site name should have been “Recovery Site”.
To have the site name of the server corrected, log onto the server and open up Windows Explorer and navigate to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager\config
Within this directory, you will see an xml file named: vmware-dr.xml
Open up the XML file and look for the tag <SiteName> </SiteName>:
Change the value in between the 2 tags to the name that the site was named previously:
Save the XML file and proceed with running a repair on the VMware Site Recovery Manager server via the Programs and Features window:
Once the repair finished, you should now see the correct name in the Summary tab of the Site Recovery section:
Hello Dude,
ReplyDeleteAs one of VMware's technical folks my main interest is what has been good, bad or plain ugly from an implementation point of view. Thanks a lot.....