Here's the post I made on the Cisco forum after unable to figure out how to do it:I'm having problems changing the ordering of the Chassis that the Fabric Interconnects are acknowledging.
We have 2 Fabric Interconnects configured as a cluster and 2 Chassis. I've rackmounted the 2 chassis one on top of another so I wanted the top chassis to be "Chassis 1" and the bottom to be "Chassis 2". I noticed that the ordering was reversed in UCSM so I decommissioned both chassis and tried to just acknowledge the top chassis first but it's still coming up as "Chassis 2" even though the other one is still in the "decommissioned" state. Is there a way around this? Thanks.
Here's the URL to the post: another user Dave states:
There is not currently any supported way to reorder the chassis, even by decomissioning and rediscovering them. Only a complete database erase would allow you to rediscover the chassis in the order you desire.
Several customers have simply re-racked the chassis to have them in the order they wished.
Seeing how it took me a good 4 hours to get everything racked, I really didn't want to have to remove all the blades, pull out the chassis and swaps them out. Seeing how we did not have anything else configured in UCSM, I went ahead and did the following (see response):
Thanks David. I ended up wiping the configuration of the clustered 6102 FI and attached the chassis 1 after another to get them numbers correct. I hope Cisco puts in a way to do this in the software after the deployment in the future because those chassis' aren't easy to move around.
Lesson learned? Well, if you're going to deploy more than 1 chassis, always connect the first chassis first leaving the other ones disconnected, let the Fabric discover it, then subsequently attach the rest one after another.
You can change the chassis number, by decommissioning the chassis at its current chassis ID # and go to equipment tab> high light equipment, go to the decommissioned tab. You will see your chassis and the ID number. Highlight and change the ID Number to the one you want. Check the box to re-commission your chassis and click save at the bottom.